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FFplus Consortium assumed the role of controller and Arctur assumed the role of processor as per the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The partner in charge of setting up and maintaining the FFplus website is Arctur, Industrijska cesta 1a, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Arctur processes your personal data pursuant to GDPR. By taking proper measures, Arctur ensures that unauthorised persons do not access your personal data, protects its confidentiality and integrity, and prevents its loss or unintentional destruction throughout the entire time of the processing.

In the company Arctur d.o.o. we respect your privacy and in accordance with the regulations according to:

The location of the website’s server is in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and it is properly secured.


Security of personal data: Statement of the operator to the individual about processing of personal data

The statement of the operator informs the individual about the processing of personal data, about all the novelties and the importance of protecting personal information.

We kindly ask you to read the following statement before submitting your consent to the processing of your personal data.


What personal data do we collect?

Personal data is any kind of data pertaining to an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e. individual, regardless of the form in which they are manifested.

On the FFplus website the following categories of personal data may be collected to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in this privacy statement:


How and for how long will we be storing your personal data?

Personal data collected on the basis of your explicit consent will be stored in an electronic database of personal data.

The collected personal data can be kept in a database until your withdrawal of consent or for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which your personal data is being processed.


Processing and usage of your personal information

Under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR), your personal data can be managed, collected and processed only:


What are the purposes for processing personal data?

Your personal data, providing that an explicit consent in writing has been provided, is handled, collected and processed by the controller only within the scope of the purposes for which the data has been disclosed.

We commit not to lend or sell your personal information to a third party without prior notice and your explicit written consent, and we will not process it in any other way that is not compatible with these purposes.

In accordance with your specific consent, your personal data will be used for the purposes defined below:


Withdrawal of consent for processing personal data

You have the right to withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data for one or all of the purposes for the processing of personal data at any time.

You have the right to withdraw your consent with the “Withdrawal of consent declaration” to data controller.
The written declaration for the withdrawal of consent can be sent to our address or our e-mail address:

e-mail: info[@]
Address: Arctur d.o.o., Industrijska cesta 1a, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia

In the event of withdrawing your consent for the processing of personal data, processor will delete all collected personal data and immediately stop processing it.


Your rights as data subjects

As data subject, you have the following rights with respect to personal data we hold about you, subject to applicable legal restrictions:




This website and its content is copyright of the project FFplus - © FFplus 2024. All rights reserved.

All contents provided by the partners and included on the website are available royalty-free. which means that they can be:

Source: FFplus project or Source: FFplus project (Digital Europe Programme)
The website contains links to other websites for which FFplus assumes no responsibility.

This general permission refers only to the intellectual property rights of FFplus and does not extend to the intellectual property rights of other individuals or institutions.


Visual elements (photos, images, icons, etc.)

Photos and images are taken:

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or another form of electronic retrieval system.


Social media networks

Posted comments are the reflection of the writer’s personal assessment and opinion, and do not represent the views of the FFplus partners. All content posted via FFplus social media networks respects copyrights policy.

We reserve the right, using our own judgement and without explanation, to remove or alter any comment posted via project´s social media pages that in any way infringes on the rights of others or is in any way unlawful, insulting, defamatory, vulgar or in any other way controversial.

The FFplus consortium is not responsible for personal opinions, ratings or inappropriate content found on FFplus XYoutube and LinkedIn pages.